First Christian Church
Thursday, March 27, 2025
...dedicated to seeing God's love win


Sunday School is at 9:00 am and meets in the Community Room.   Nursery is available.


Worship is at 10:00 am and meets in our Sanctuary on the 2nd floor. It features a blend of old and new songs with a worship band in a friendly, informal atmosphere.  It is easiest to enter through the doors that face the east.  
 Nursery is available.

We have a nursery on the 2nd floor for newborns through 4-years-old.  Children (pre-k to 3rd grade) will be invited to Children's Church after the singing part of our Worship Service (10:00 am).

We celebrate our unity with God and our church every week, and we invite every Christian of every background or tradition to join us in the Lord's Supper.  We go to the front to eat the bread and drink the cup.  If you're not able to go to the front, a deacon or elder will gladly serve you where you are seated. 

We only expect our members to contribute to our offering in worship.  If you would like to give, the offering plates are on the communion table and you can give during communion or before and after worship.